1/03/2012, Media source: recycling today |
Pacific Steel and Recycling a Montana-based scrap metal recycling firm, has opened a 13-acre scrap metal recycling facility in Kennewick, Wash. The new location is less than one mile away from a current facility operated by the company.
Patrick Kons, Pacific Steel’s vice president of scrap operations, says the new facility will allow the company to significantly increase its processing ability in the Kennewick area.
In addition to being roughly four times larger than the previous plant, most of the new facility will be paved, making for a cleaner, more efficient operation, according to Kons. The new plant, which officially opened Jan. 3, 2012, also has scales, a baler, a building for processing nonferrous metals and a remediation building to allow the company to drain fluids from automobiles.
A local news report says that in addition to handling ferrous and nonferrous metals, the facility will accept various types of obsolete electronics.
“The new facility will be very user friendly,” Kons says. “Our former facility was very tight. It limited our ability to do business.”
While the company has shifted its operations to the new facility, Pacific Steel says it will hold onto the smaller Kennewick operation, using it as a storage location.
Pacific Steel operates 42 facilities in nine states, primarily in the Northwestern part of the United States.
Senate Resolution Supports Scrap Metal Recycling Industry |
12/08/2011, Media source: Forbes |
There has been plenty of debate regarding the inability of anything to get done in Washington this year. Increased partisanship has sidelined many important issues that deserve a fair and honest debate. However, Senate Resolution 251 unanimously passed in the Senate, and recognized the important the scrap metal recycling industry has on both the environment and the economy.
The Senate Resolution 251 demonstrates that there is bipartisan support for the industry, which is crucial for further growth. Global competition requires a framework that allows companies in the United States to compete in the international economy.
As we have discussed in this series, the scrap metal recycling industry is one of the bright spots in the economy. The scrap recycling industry supports more than 450,000 American jobs and generates $10.3 billion in revenue for federal, state, and local governments. Furthermore, along with creating jobs here in the United States, the scrap metal recycling industry has been a great export for the United States.
A statement that was issued by Senator Carper and Senator Snowe highlights growth that the municipal recycling sector has increased over the past few decades.
–“Increasing the amount we recycle is a simple, yet effective way to help our economy and our environment by better managing our limited resources,” said Sen. Carper. “Since the first Earth Day in 1970, our country has greatly improved our recycling habits. From 1970 to 2000, we increased our collective municipal recycling rate from just 6 percent to over 28 percent. Yet in the past decade, our country’s improvement in our recycling behavior has slowed. Anything I do, I know I can do better, and I know that our nation can continue to do better when it comes to recycling. I thank Sen. Snowe and our other Senate colleagues for their support of recycling and for their recognition of its tremendous value to our economy and our environment.”
–“Recycling is one of the easiest and most cost-effective methods to saving energy, reducing landfill waste, and supplying our manufacturing and construction industries with low-cost materials,” said Sen. Snowe. ”Recycling is a major industry in the United States and we should continue to encourage the companies that are improving our environment and employing Americans. I commend Senator Carper for his efforts to promote recycling and look forward to the ongoing benefits recycling provides our environment and our economy.”
The next step for continued growth, both domestically and internationally, is for the same type of compliance standards, such as RIOS R2, to be adopted overseas. This would allow for both marketplaces to operate under the same regulations, and lead to a much more.
ISRI Releases U.S. Jobs Numbers and New Export Data to Highlight America Recycles Day 2011 |
11/15/2011, Media source: ISIR |
Washington, DC- The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc, (ISRI) today released a new executive summary (www.isri.org/jobs) of a recent study that highlights the nearly 460,000 U.S. jobs supported by America’s scrap recycling industry as well as new data that underscores the critical role U.S. exports play in employing workers here in the United States.
Additionally, recently released data confirm that the U.S. scrap supply is more than ample to meet demand at home, as evidenced by solid increases in both domestic and overseas scrap shipments.
The executive summary – prepared by John Dunham and Associates – confirmed that the U.S. scrap recycling industry plays a prominent role as an economic leader, job creator and major exporter. In fact, the people and firms that purchase, process and broker old materials to be manufactured into new products in America provide 459,140 adults with good jobs in the United States and generates $90.1 billion in economic activity.
Regarding exports, the summary based on the study illustrated that in 2011, 51,768 jobs are directly supported by the export activities associated with the processing and brokerage operations of scrap recyclers operating in the United States. An additional 110,163 jobs are supported by supplier operations and through the indirect effects of scrap recycling exports. These jobs pay a total of $5.8 billion in wages. All of this export activity generates $30.7 billion in economic benefits in the United States and contributes $2.1 billion in tax revenues for the federal government and $1.5 billion in state and local taxes.
“America Recycles Day is a great opportunity to educate people about just how significant the U.S. scrap recycling industry truly is,” said Joe Pickard, ISRI Chief Economist and Director of Commodities. “Our industry is putting U.S. employees and resources to work every day and supplying needed resources to industrial consumers throughout the United States and around the world.”
Commenting on recent proposals to limit scrap exports, Pickard added, “Any idea that protectionist measures such as limiting exports are somehow going to increase economic growth and job creation has no sound basis in either economic theory or reality. Restricting exports in order to promote growth is something like eliminating food in order to promote good health -- eventually it starves the patient.”
To highlight America Recycles Day, ISRI compiled the following data from government sources, demonstrating the recycling industry’s activities in furtherance of the Obama Administration’s efforts at increasing U.S. exports to spur economic growth:
1. Overseas demand for U.S. scrap has surged in recent years. From 2000 to 2010, total U.S. scrap exports jumped from 17.7 million mt to more than 45 million mt. Over the same period, the value of those shipments increased more than six-fold from $4.8 billion to $29.6 billion last year, breaking the prior record of $29.1 billion set in 2008.
2. U.S. scrap exports through just the first nine months of 2011 have already reached $29.9 billion, according to the latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau, already surpassing last year’s record and representing a 41% increase over January through September 2010 exports.
3. The increased YTD export sales reflect this year’s generally higher price levels, as well as increased physical demand, as the total volume of loadings during January to September 2011 advanced 20 percent from last year to reach 39.5 million mt.
4. By destination, the largest overseas markets for U.S. scrap this year include: China $8.7 billion (+42%); Canada $2.8 billion (+27%); Turkey $1.9 billion (+80%), South Korea $1.7 billion (+34%); and Taiwan $1.4 billion (+46%).
5. By commodity, the value of YTD date shipments are up significantly for each major commodity group including: aluminum scrap $3.1 billion (+34%); copper scrap $3.9 billion (+54%), ferrous scrap $8.15 billion (+52%), recovered paper and fiber $2.9 billion (+19%) and plastic scrap $788 million (+16%).
Pickard also noted that according to recent federal government data, total domestic consumption of ferrous scrap during January through August 2011 reached 36.9 million mt, up from 34.0 million mt during January through August 2010. Meanwhile, January through September 2011 trade data from the U.S. Census Bureau show the volume of YTD ferrous scrap exports increased more than 30 percent to 18.4 million mt, clearly demonstrating that the U.S. scrap supply is able to simultaneously meet increasing scrap demand both at home and abroad.